The week's primary celestial event is the Sagittarius lunar eclipse, the first lunar eclipse of 2021. Occurring during the lunar standstill, it brings heightened tensions and instability to the overall environment. The eclipse's main influences include:
Gemini may find themselves talkative and prone to spreading rumors due to the placement of the Sun, Venus, and Neptune in their first house. They may also be gullible and easily misled. In career, they may have many ideas but face difficulty implementing them. Their sharp tongue may cause conflicts with colleagues. They should also beware of workplace traps. In love, the Sagittarius full moon may bring marital difficulties. Single Geminis may experience a lack of romantic luck.
The lunar eclipse, full moon, and the presence of many planets in Gemini opposite Sagittarius may bring restlessness and instability to Sagittarius. They may encounter deception in marriage or relationships. In career, their collaboration potential increases, but they may face difficulties in communication or misunderstandings with partners. They should back up their data to avoid loss. In love, they may devote attention to their partner but face a lack of reciprocity. Maritalissues may surface, and discussions of marriage should be avoided. Single Sagittarius should decline dating opportunities to prevent disappointment.
Scorpio may engage in secretive planning or uncover hidden secrets. They may resort to deception or manipulation to achieve their goals. However, some Scorpios may be vulnerable to deception due to their excessive focus on relationship loyalty. In career, they may gain support from influential people but should avoid over-reliance. The full moon may cloud their judgment, making financial decisions unwise. They may experience sudden or erratic ideas that leave colleagues puzzled. In love, coupled Scorpios may face emotional turmoil and misunderstandings. Single Scorpios may encounter tangled romantic situations involving deception or unrequited love.
Pisces may make mistakes out of confusion or compassion, particularly in family and marital matters. They may spread misinformation or become misled themselves. At work, they are in a supportive and generous mood but may find themselves making insensitive remarks. The Sagittarius full moon may reveal professional difficulties or opportunities. They may struggle with old habits that need changing. In love, partnered Pisces may encounter misunderstandings, especially regarding family issues. They may struggle with clarity and truthfulness. Single Pisces may face romantic confusion and difficulty distinguishing between genuine feelings and illusions.
Aries may experience irritability and inflammation. They should control their emotions and exercise caution on the road. In career, they may face challenges related to colleagues or work coordination. They may need to pay attention to breathing and respiratory health.
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